We specialise in fertility in the widest sense of the term.

This means that we are primarily about helping couples to get naturally pregnant or have IVF success. We also help women with women’s health issues, such as menopause, fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, etc.

A sperm swims towards an egg, drawn in Chinese calligraphy, TCM Healthcare — London fertility clinic

TCM Healthcare — London fertility clinic
Established 1998

Patients came to us after trying to get pregnant naturally for years. Despite having done tests, scans, cycles of IUI IVF and ICSI, many still don’t know why they cannot get pregnant. Sometimes the diagnosis of “unexplained infertility” is given, leaving them none the wiser.

Fertility, at its most basic, is simple: A baby is made by a healthy sperm meeting a healthy egg, developing into an embryo and then, a baby. The key factors that determine success are, therefore, good quality sperm and good quality egg.

Male testing

A simple sperm test will tell us whether a man has enough sperm. In addition, the test also tests some basic quality parameters such as whether enough sperm are moving, are able to survive long enough after ejaculation and have good shapes. A more in-depth test called DNA fragmentation will check if there is a sufficient number of sperm with good sperm DNA integrity.

We explain results with patients free of charge over the phone.

Results for sperm tests are available after three working days. DNA and genetics tests take two weeks.

Female testing

Common sense, clinical experience and scientific research all converge onto one single group of factors that affect egg quality — hormones that impact the reproductive system.

Reproductive hormones control a woman’s periods. They tell her when to have a period, whether her period will be long or short, whether she will indeed have a period. It also tells her when to ovulate or whether she will ovulate at all. In the middle of all this, usually one egg comes out during ovulation. That’s why the quality of this egg is heavily dependent on the hormones that impact the entire menstrual and ovulation process.

Our clinical experience has confirmed that an overwhelming number of women who cannot conceive naturally or have multiple IVF failures usually have a hormonal imbalance leading to poor egg quality.

We explain results with patients free of charge over the phone.

Result for female tests are available the next working day.


Once we know the indices for sperm and egg quality, and conclude they indicate issues, the next question is: How can they be improved?

At TCM Healthcare, we help women improve egg quality by improving hormones. We also help men improve sperm count and quality. Click on the following links for more details.


We are grateful for patients who write reviews. Many use their real names to do so. Click below to see what they have said.

A second opinion service

We have just launched a second opinion service where you can send us your hormone test results, sperm test results and other results. Consultations will be done on the phone and it will not be a face-to-face medical consultation.

Since we work with IUI, IVF, ICSI, egg and sperm freezing specialists, we can explore a full range of options with you prior to your committing to a course of actions that may be best for you. There is no charge for this service.

We offer this service in good faith based on our clinical experience and our work with partner agencies such as IVF specialists. We do not accept any liability and we will urge you to triangulate opinions given with your own doctors before you decide what may be best for your circumstance.